
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Ugliest Buildings, Part II: Modernism
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Who thought these were a good idea? Seriously. On Day 1, when the money guys met with the building guys, why didn't they scream and run away? Did they feel any regret once the building itself took form? Jacquetta and Kathleen are disgusted, but they got through Part 2: Modernism and managed to keep their sanity (mostly).
Mandatory: all the pictures you need are on our Facebook page!
The links we promised:
Yes, 432 Park Avenue WAS, in fact, inspired by a garbage can. At least it's a fancy garbage can.
This article has more info and nice pictures of 432 Park's lighting scheme.
As of the time of recording, there are currently plans for eight more ultra-luxe towers in and around Manhattan.
Nicholas Korody at Archinet.com has done a great job compiling various reviews of the new Whitney.
Theodore Dalrymple is the genius who says, of the new Whiney Museum, "The building was a perfect place from which to commit suicide". I recommend reading his other stuff. Not an architect, but a helluva writer.
Jonathan Letham wrote an open letter to Frank Gehry .The article includes an image of the "Miss Brooklyn" tower, a hideous architechtural bullet we were lucky to dodge.
Yes, Barclays Center does have the worst seats in professional sports. And there are no plans to change them. To paraphrase Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark, "You can watch the game on your phone, plebe."

Monday Dec 26, 2016
Ugliest Buildings, Part I: Brutalism
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Imposing concrete blocks surround New Yorkers, but WHY? Who built them? Were they truly considered to be good decisions at the time? Will we ever get rid of them? (No.) Kathleen and guest host Jacquetta Szathmari from the top-rated podcast Hey You Know It discuss as many of these monstrosities as they can stomach. In part 1 of Ugliest Buildings, we discuss Brutalism in the city. Checking out the Facebook page for the photos is an absolute imperative!!
Check out co-host Jacquetta’s podcast Hey You Know It!
Two of NYC’s worst buildings were featured in the Daily Mail’s 30 Ugliest Buildings In The World.
Brutalism does have its fans, and they’re not 100% crazy. This episode of 99% Invisible has a lot of good info about why they think they way they do.
Jacquetta mentioned Krull (1983), the dystopian sci fi pic that could have been set in the hulking buildings of lower Manhattan. Starring baby Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane!
A rare look inside 33 Thomas St, the former AT&T Long Lines building. It's just as bad inside as out!!
For more savage commentary on FIT, check out its NYC architecture page.

Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Toynbee Tiles
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Raising the dead on Jupiter! This idea is why one person has embedded linoleum tiles in the asphalt of major avenues of NYC and in other cities around the world. Look down when walking around, and soon you start to notice them. Where did that idea come from? What is "Toynbee"? Who is the person responsible for these tiles? Is human resurrection on Jupiter feasible? (No.) Kate and Kathleen discuss these questions and more, in Episode T of ABC Gotham.

Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Sailors' Snug Harbor: Special Micro-Episode!
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Planning a wedding? Consider Snug Harbor. Gorgeous photos: guaranteed!
Here's the New York Times article about the murder- suicide. It's also a vivid example of the differences between journalistic standards then and now.
Travel Channel's "Ghost Adventurers" team went to investigate the site of the murder- suicide for themselves. You can watch a clip which is sort of hilarious because host Zak Bagans (left) has no idea what to do with his hands throughout this excerpt. Kathleen thinks the actor playing Reverend Robert A. Quinn in the re-enactment is clearly Edward James Olmos’ younger brother. (Warning: Unnecessarily grisly image at 1:19.)
Steve Warran has a great article archive about Sailors Snug Harbor, including beautiful newspaper illustrations of daily life when the sailors lived there.

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Resurrection Men and the Doctors Riot
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016

Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Quaker Cemetery in Prospect Park: Special Micro- Episode!
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016

Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Public Art in New York City
Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Saturday Dec 05, 2015

Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Thursday Sep 24, 2015

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
NAZIS in NYC Part III: Operation Pastorius Ends
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015

Sunday Jun 28, 2015
NAZIS IN NYC, Part II: Operation Pastorius Begins
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Sunday Jun 28, 2015